Prostate Cancer Research

Somerset Prostate Support Association (SPSA)

Founded in 2003, the SPSA soon established itself as a much-needed source of help and support for Somerset men diagnosed with prostate cancer and their families. SPSA is a registered charity and run entirely by volunteers, many with personal experience of PC and the effect it has on their lives and that of their families.

In Somerset, the excellent patient support teams at both Musgrove Park and Yeovil hospitals have allowed the SPSA a slight change in direction in recent times. Today, raising awareness and the early detection of Prostate Cancer provides a new focus for the association.

Presentation on Prostate Cancer

Raising Awareness

The SPSA's activities include free presentations to raise awareness of prostate cancer. The emphasis is on identifying symptoms and the importance of early detection of prostate problems. Contact us to arrange a free presentation for your group, company, club or organisation. More Info

Testing for Prostate Cancer

Currently, there is no national screening programme for prostate cancer! However, with the help of sponsorship and donations, the SPSA organise free discrete testing events throughout Somerset in an endeavour to detect prostate cancer early and save lives. More Info

PSA Test - taking a blood sample